Patti Anastasia RN

Pet Psychic-Medium

Medical Intuit

Reiki Master

We Heal Our Animals~They Heal Us

Together, We Heal The World!

Patti & Ladybug🐞💕🙏

A book for all Animal Lovers and those who want to build a stronger Spiritual relationship with the pets they love, current and with those who have passed.

Patti & Ladybug

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Hello, I'm Patti, and I'm honored to introduce you to my Spiritual companion — Ladybug! Together, we offer guidance and support to help people and pets stay rooted in their core energy. Our mission is to empower individuals to gain clarity and focus to manifest the health, happiness, and confidence they seek.

We look forward to supporting you and your pets on your journey towards healing, growth, and living your best life! 💕

What To Expect During Your Session

  • Get Answers to Your Questions

  • Tell Them How You Feel

  • Find Out Your Pets' Messages

  • Learn New Communication & Healing Tools

  • Get Help Navigating Difficult Decisions

  • Receive Holistic Healing

  • I Work With Current, Lost, or Passed

Let’s get to know each other with my Introductory Session for new clients.

  • “I loved Patti, what a wonderful soul she is. I recently had my dog pass, and she gave me great guidance on overcoming such loss. She was able to connect with him and share some memorable moments we had together. She also was able to communicate with my other dog who is still with us, and wow was she right! She also mentioned my passed dog was going to be coming back to me as my child and two days later I found out I was pregnant. Thank you Patti I feel so happy.”

    ♥️ Angela

  • "The session you did for my son was so helpful when we lost Finn...and then when he started to get down again, the guided garden meditation. It was just so beautiful to see his floodgates open after talking with you...he drew a bunch of photos that night of him and Finn and all their favorite stuff they used to do. It was such a release for him and he loved connecting with him during the guided meditation you recorded. It helped bring him closure...and helped him so much through his healing journey of losing his best friend. We will be very excited to come out and say hello to you and Ladybug!"

    Michelle ❤️🐾

  • "I went to see Patti about my 14-year-old cat who has digestive issues. In the reading Patti mentioned that my cat didn't want to go outside because of foxes. I was a bit puzzled at first as my yard is fenced in. But when I got home it occurred to me that I had been using fox urine to scare off snakes in my backyard. My cat had picked up the scent and was a bit nervous about going outside. Thanks Patti! I'll have to figure out some other way to repel snakes!"


  • “Working with Patti has been truly amazing, her ability to provide clear and concise insights has created a powerful shift in my life. The impacts have reached my personal and professional life. I can count on the support and guidance I need when working with Patti. If you need clarity, guidance and support to work through matters for the purpose of resolving challenges and personally evolving, Patti is the person who can and will help"

    Brandon Pride

  • “Patti was absolutely wonderful! She did a short photo read and sent meditations for our dog prior to our initial zoom meeting. As soon as our dog heard her voice on zoom, he came straight over. We laughed, we cried, we got some of the answers we had hoped for. We couldn’t recommend her more!”


On-Line vs In-Person Sessions

Both online and in-person sessions can be effective for healing and communication: however, there are unique advantages to on-line sessions. Here's a perspective on the effectiveness of online sessions based on my experience and insights:

Online Sessions:

Enhanced Spiritual Connection

Online sessions can enhance the connection to spiritual energies and messages. Through distance healing and channeling, I can tap into the healing power and guidance from your Higher Self and Pet’s Spirit Animals. I find that I have more focus to gain clarity, get messages, and find solutions facilitating deeper insights, healing, and communication with your pets.

Amplified Energy

Energy transmitted through emotions, sounds, electromagnetics, and other waveforms can be amplified during online sessions, allowing for a more effective healing experience.

Less Distractions for your Pet

Without my presence your pet stays physically connected through you. This provides me with a clear channel for communication, uninterrupted by my presence ensuring focused and clear messages for both you and your pet.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of online versus in-person sessions may vary based on individual preferences, comfort levels, and specific needs. It's essential to choose the approach that resonates most with you.

Healing The Animal Ambassadors at the Zoo with Gratitude!

Check out the Flamingos during one of our visits, they had a lot to say!

Warning!!! They're loud!!

They were so grateful for our healing intentions, they performed their mating dance for us!

Join us next time for a day of gratitude-led healing at the Zoo.

No experience necessary,

Check out some more videos on TikTok~

For those who love to create Healing and Manifesting Tools at home!

Two Complete Workshops in Charming Little Bags!

What People Are Saying!

“Working with Patti has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Patti is a “down to earth” person- what you see is what you get. She is genuine and is able to laugh at herself, which makes it comfortable for me not to judge myself too harshly.”

— Melanie Colligan

“Patti and Ladybug are a great team offering humor and healing- both very much needed during these stressful times. Love them both!.”

— Mary Nason



Patti and Ladybug!

May your experiences always be better than you expect!🐞💕🙏