What Is Animal Communication?

I ask that any changes in pets behavior or physical health be evaluated by their veterinarian alongside Pet Psychic-Medium consults.

Animal Communication involves talking with animals and receiving their messages.  A Pet Psychic-Medium can do this and teach others to re-awaken their natural abilities to do it too. Our pets communicate energetically with images and emotions.

Clients seek Animal Communicators for behavior, health, and healing concerns related to their pets. It is helpful to understand a pet’s perspective so pet parents can make changes that can give their pets the kind of love and support they need.

As a Medical Intuit, I offer insights into physical conditions for both animals and humans, providing your pets perspectives to enhance healing and strengthen bonds. My specialties include crisis management, PTSD support, end-of-life guidance, and spiritual growth through pet connections, beyond their physical presence.

I use and teach a system of three tools called Energetic Communication™. These tools will raise your pets vibrational frequency, improving their health, happiness, and security.

This is a meditation designed specifically for your pets. It lasts for 10 minutes and includes soothing music. During this time, your pets will connect with and receive healing from their Spirit Animals.

  • "Working with Patti has been absolutely amazing! I have worked with her for years now and I am so humbled to be able to connect with her and her healing art. She is incredibly kind, transparent, and supportive. During a difficult time last year losing my pup, she was able to connect me with an abundant amount of healing I needed! My Sugar loves to connect with Patti and I enjoy hearing about it. Even prior to the loss of my pup Patti has given me great insight into both of my dogs and helped us understand some of the needs they were already trying to communicate to us! Patti has a wealth of knowledge, is so personable and such a genuine person. I am so grateful to have met Patti, connected with her and to have experienced her wonderful energy! "

    Thank you, Kayla

  • "Thank you again for all the help you've given us; I am so pleased - it clearly has helped & made a difference. You are an amazing lady with a special gift!"

    Fondly, Joan & Tanner

  • "A lovely experience! Got to know more about my pets and how I can help them as well as my self! I’ve gained a better understanding of my pets and our relationship as a whole. Super helpful tips and meditations too. So happy with my experience."


  • "Patty is very kind, very funny and optimistic, considering I had concerns about my pets and as a first timer doing a reading for my pets. She really helped me get a better understanding about my pets and how amazing animals can be! She takes her time and really gets you to see more than just a cute little face. She helps you to dive deeper into their personality or ailments they might have. Very thankful to have done this as a first timer with Patty and ladybug! Thank you again"


Talking With Pets That Have Passed

I find great fulfillment in supporting individuals through the loss of their pets, a process many describe as more profound than losing a human companion. Pets offer us a unique Spiritual bond, built on trust and unconditional love, making them ideal messengers from all realms. They guide us, offering joy and assurance. Seeing our pets as Spirit often makes us feel happy and safe however when we see other people who have passed as Spirits, we can become fearful.  

After their transition, pets eagerly seek a new spiritual connection with us, excited for us to grow a stronger Spiritual relationship together. They guide us toward new paths, often bringing new opportunities or companions into our lives. They wish for us to grow without guilt, understanding that every aspect of our lives aligns with our life plan together.

During the end-of-life phase, pets prefer a peaceful transition and reduced stress. Collaborating with a Pet Psychic-Medium can ease this transition, providing guidance and support. I assist in navigating these difficult decisions with compassion.

I offer online pet communication sessions, meditations, distance healing, and ongoing support through various programs to assist people and pets. Receive guidance with palliative care and end-of-life decisions and ceremonies. I am able to support you in-person during veterinary visits and home passing. Establishing a spiritual connection with our pets is crucial to ensure the grief cycle flows to completion without getting stuck in guilt and anger.

I will help you honor your beloved lives and embrace personal growth fueled by their love.

Click here for a ceremony you can do to help grieving transform to healing

Stone Zoo

Stoneham, MA

Love These Babies!

Healing The Animal Ambassadors

at the Zoo!

The animals residing in zoos serve as ambassadors for their species, conveying messages about their natural habitats. We can support them by clearing, balancing, and providing healing for both the animals and their native lands. This act of healing is a gift we can offer them, enabling them to assist their fellow brothers and sisters as well as contribute to the well-being of Mother Earth.

Regularly, I organize visits to local zoos with groups of people to collectively provide healing for the animals. It's important to note that these animals don't seek our low-vibrational emotions of pity or guilt; rather, they thrive on our high-vibration emotions such as gratitude, appreciation, love, and joy, coupled with our intentions for healing their surroundings. They desire a collaborative partnership with us to heal the planet.

While not all animals in captivity may receive optimal treatment, we can utilize the Energetic Communication skills I teach like:

Image-Emotions Sets™

HESU™ Tools

High-Vibration Healing Tools

to transform these situations. It's crucial to hold individuals accountable for their actions and shed light on any mistreatment. These animals also serve as mirrors, highlighting areas where humans need growth and intervention.

By shifting our perspective to focus on clearing, balancing, and providing healing while using these tools, we can create positive changes. We can set intentions to attract the right individuals and resources, ensuring solutions that benefit everyone involved. This shift in energy from low vibration to high vibration opens the door for Spiritual Assistance in finding solutions, leading to expansion and transformation. When we collectively intend for swift and effective resolutions, remarkable transformations can occur!