Meet My Spiritual Partner Ladybug!

Spirit Animal Guide & Reiki Master

Ladybug, my Spiritual partner, entered my life when I rescued her in 2017. Despite initial plans to name her Lovebug, she made her intentions clear – she wanted to be called "Ladybug," not Lovebug. She told me this when she came to me in a dream the night before her adoption. This strong connection was evident as she responded immediately to her new name and ignored her shelter name of “Kate.”

Ladybug's intuitive healing abilities were apparent from the start. During a Reiki Master class I taught the day after her adoption, she intuitively provided healing to participants, focusing on areas where they had symptoms. Her healing energy was felt by all, leading to improvements in their well-being.

In another remarkable instance, Ladybug selected a mysterious card from my tarot deck, symbolizing alignment with my life purpose. This experience reinforced our shared journey in spiritual healing and development. I knew then this relationship was going to be fun!

Collaborating with Ladybug has been transformative, leading us to create Energetic Communication™ and a Spirit Animal Reiki Class together. Her intuitive gestures, such as offering gemstones to my students during in-person classes and during on-line sessions, have provided comfort and healing for both pets and their human’s!

Ladybug's presence continues to contribute to my confidence, health, and healing. She has become my service dog and she is really good at it! She keeps me focused and safe, encouraging me to expand my Psychic-Medium skills and teach others Energetic Communication. Through our shared experiences, she remains an integral part of my spiritual journey!